Method Toolkit
Methods by Design Phases
5-Second Test
A quick and easy way of usability testing. The 5-second tests gets users initial impression of a product or design when they see it the...
635 Brainwriting
The 635 Brainwriting method helps in the ideation phase. Participants built upon ideas from each other during multiple rounds...
Affinity Diagrams
Affinity Diagrams are a way to organize complex data or data that one is not able to make sense of, into groups or categories based...
AttrakDiff 2 is a questionnaire used for the evaluation of interactive products. While most questionnaires only evaluate practical usability, i.e. “pragmatic qualities”, AttrakDiff 2 also...
The bird-in-hand principle is a method for developing ideas based on individual competencies and attributes of the people who are working together on a new...
Similar to brainstorming but with some specialities is this quick and easy method popular to gather ideas individually in a group...
A variation of the brainstorming method. In this case iteratively ideas are being developed individually by the participants...
Card Sorting
This method is really helpul subsequently to a brainstorming-type-of-method. After gathering lots of ideas some clustering is needed!...
Cognitive Walkthrough
Generally, Cognitive walkthrough is a technique that focuses on exploratory learning. Its a very good method for exposing assumptions about users and learning that can...
Contextual Inquiry
This qualitative interview brings findings about the system-to-be's surrounding. Interviewees are potential users. Some skills about interviews are relevant...
Cultural Probes
The cultural probes method is aimed for understanding users from a qualitative and ethnographic approach. The probes could be various material designed by the research...
Customer Journey Map
This complex method reveals opportunities for addressing the pain points of customers, alleviating fragmentation and ultimately creating a better experience for your users...
Diary Method
This longitudinal method helps gathering lots of data about users experiences and usage of a product...
Engaging Personas
This method helps you to get a deeper look into the target group by defining characteristics and needs...
Experience Prototyping
This methods aims towards prototyping in all stages of a design process. This might enhance a better understanding of the product...
This digital method helps locating rooted design problems by tracking the eye-movements of a user...
Fictional Personas
Creating fictional personas increases empathy for the target group and can help in the design process of a product...
Focus Groups
Guide a discussion with potential users to gather insides about their opinion on a product...
Heuristic Review
The heuristic interview helps to detect usability problems by testing a user interface with guidelines for common problems...
How Might We? Questions
"Framing Design, Based On Problems And Solutions." How might we solve problem A? The question helps with the framework for innovative thoughts...
Idea Clustering
Sorting ideas or information from interviews with user opens up the path for futher processing with the development...
Inspirational Cards
Traditional brainstorming is given a creative twist through the use of Inspiration Cards. The Inspiration Cards help to cover a wide range of abstract and...
In the beginning of the design phase it might come handy to document experiences of researchers and participants...
Lego Serious Play
Think with your hands! With the help of sets of bricks from LEGO...
Mental Model
Mental models express the network of thoughts towards something. Expectations of how sth. works...
Paper Prototyping
Use this method to quickly prototype your design idea with paper and get feedback from users...
Prototyping and Wireframing
Prototyping is an important aspect in the design process, it is a process through which design teams showcase and implement all the work that has...
Rapid Prototyping
Rapid Prototyping is a method of quickly creating mockups of your tool, product, system or a website and showing it to the User before the...
Role-based Personas
Role-based personas are used to identify what needs the target user group has, how their activities, behavior and characteristics would be like, and most importantly...
Write a potential story how user would use the interface/application...
SWOT Analysis
Discover strengths and weaknesses from in- and outside perspective of your product...
Task Modelling
This method helps to understand tasks user can do with the interface and which problems might occur...
Thinking Aloud
Get a live feedback of users working on tasks on the interface/product and understand eventual problems...
Usability Lab Test
Usability lab test is a qualitative research method which is an integral and important part of the user-centered design process and its function is to...
Use Cases
Get a deeper understanding of the systems requirements by defining use cases with actors, goals and system processes...
User Environment Design
This methods shows users a systems functionalities and where they are needed...
User Interviews
Have a conversation with a user about a product or design to gather insights and opinions...
User Journey
This method helps to understand users emotions and thoughts behind actions they can to with the product...
User Test
Collect data regarding how real users react, feel and behave while using an interface...
UX Laddering
This method helps you to explore correlations between components of a product, by conducting user-interviews...
Walt Disney Method
Dive into a role play method to ideate on ideas. Every idea is heard and discussed...
Web Analytics
Understand how a website is actually used and transform data about it into meaning and actions for better usability...
Worst Possible Ideas
Brainstorm badly characteristics for your product and turn them into characteristics that are good for the product...
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